Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Soccer Unit

After the volleyball unit, we started to learn more about football/soccer and thus starting the soccer unit. We did the soccer unit in Quarter two but we had not learned much more because we all already knew a lot about soccer and how to play it since most of our grade already knows how to play the sport and already knows all the rules of the sport.

I had not learned very many things during the soccer unit because, as I have said above, I already knew pretty much all the neccessary rules and also the additionary rules about it and I also know how to pass and shoot, the basics. What I did do during the unit is I learned on top of things that I already knew and I learned more about how to pass and the idea of passing and I also learned more about how to shoot and the idea of shooting.

For passing, I already knew that I should always pass with the inner part of my feet and so as not to damage my toes. This is also helpful for better accuracy because if you hit the ball with your toes, and unless you hit it straight on the middle of your toes, then the ball will veer off to the side from the angle that you hit the ball with. On the other hand, if you hit it with the inner part of your foot, then it will be much more accurate because the accuracy depends less on the angle your foot is at, but more on the power of your foot. This is becasuse if you do not hit the ball with enough power, only then will the ball veer off to the side but if you hit it with enough power, the ball will keep going straight and where you want it to go.

Passing is only one thing that I have ellaborated my learning on and there are much more things too like the positions and the shooting.

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