Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Basketball Unit

After we did both the soccer unit and the volleyball unit, we started off with the basketball unit. Not many of us knew how to play basketball so this is probably the unit that I learned most at next to the volleyball unit.

I learned a very important strategy in basketball and it is very useful when it comes to three people against two people. The first thing is when you get the ball after a rebound from the other team's shot and the person in the middle catches the ball and shouts "Ball!" After that, the three people run over to the other side and then the middle person passes it to the one of the other two people and then they switch places so the person in the middle is on the side and the person that was on the side goes into the middle. The two people on the opponent's side then try to get the ball from you as you continue to pass to your teammates until one of them scores.

If you don't score and the opponents get the ball. Once this happens, they run to your side of the court and they try to score only this time, only one person from your team returns to your side of the court while two from there team comes to your side of the court. They then try to score and the best way to score using this strategy is doing a layup which can almost ensure a basket for your team.

These are the things that I have learned in the basketball unit. I have learned many other things like the chest pass and also the bounce pass but this is the main strategy that I learned and it is a very useful and it works very well for both teams depending on which one is better.

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