Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quarter 3

The activity that this reflection will be written about is the Chapter 7 Exam that we did in Quarter 3. Of all the tests that I took in the Algebra class, I had accomplished the most with this one because I have completed the test with a perfect score: 100%. Yet again, this has proven to me that I am able to achieve my goals in mathematics. In the Chapter 2 Exam, the first test I took at DEMS, I had gotten 76%, in the Chapter 5 Exam, I had gotten 97% and now I have gotten 100%. This inevitably proves that I have been improving in mathematics.

The purpose of the exam was to test our skills in solving systems of linear equations and inequalities. The purpose of this chapter is to be give you the ability to write and solve not one, but two linear equations. This is a neccessity because, in some jobs, life will be much easier if you can easily find out where the income passes the expenses so that the company or business of your job is gaining or losing money. This is exetremely useful because not very many companies will want to have a faulty employee who makes a mistake in the calculations and then the company suddenly finds out that they have lost vast sums of money.

In this chapter of Algebra, I have learned that the solution of a system of linear equations is actually the point at which the graphs of the two equations intersect. This means that if you take the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of the point of the intersection, then substitute those two values into each of the two or more equations that formed the linear system, the statement will always be true. I have also learned of three ways to solve systems of linear equations. The first is by graphing. I do not hate graphing, though ithought least favorite way to solve system of linear equations and inequalities because it takes a very long time to draw and create and it is often inacurrate, even though it provides an excellent visual representation of the system. The second method is by susbstitution. To successfully use this method, you must substitute the value of x from one equation into another. Then you must substitute the value of y that you recieve from that an those two values are the x and y-coordinates of the solution. I like this method because it helps me uncover any careless mistakes since it also requires me to check the sulution with all of the original equations. Substitution is then my second favorite method. My favorite method out if the three is called linear combinations. When you use linear combinations, you must add the equations vertically and you must add and manipulate the equation so that only one of the variables will remain for the answer. You must then substitute the value of the variable that you have chosen to get the value of the second variable an that's it. This, in my opinion, is the best method because it is the easiest, fastest and overall, it is much more efficient than the other two methods.

There is not much that I can do to differ the way I learned the chapter so as to improve it because I had gotten a full score on the test. The one thing that I can strive for is to maintain this score on all of the other tests that I take in the future.

This has affected my goal in such a way, that I have almost accomplished it fully. This is because I have finished with no careless mistakes for me to grieve about so now I must continue what I did in this chapter so that I will be able to refrain from lowering the full score by allowing any careless mistakes to get into my tests.

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