Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Quarter 4

Over the course of the year, I have learned a great, great many things in science. I have learned what atoms are and the bonds that they can make. I have learned about solutions and chemical reactions. I have learned about the mammalian eye. I have learned about the brain and the nervous system and I am without a doubt that I have learned much more only I cannot recall them.

We learned about the structure of atoms and the 112 elements. These elements are the basic building blocks of all matter in the universe. All elements naturally exist as one atom, though there are some exceptions for the element oxygen, exists naturally only as two atoms together. The atoms are made up of the neutrons, the protons an the electrons. The neutrons and the protons make the center of the atom which is called the nucleus. The nucleus is the biggest part of the atom and contains most of the mass of the whole atom. The electrons travel around the nucleus in unimaginable speeds and they travel in a scattered formation. The neutrons contain a neutral charge while the protons contain a positive charge whereas the electrons contain a negative charge.
Along with the structures of atoms, we learned that atoms are able to bond woth one another using ionic bonds, covalent bonds and metallic bonds.

In the next few quarters we learned about the neurons and the structures of the eye. We learned about the brain and it's cerebrum which contains the four lobes, the cerebellum, which is under the cerebrum and the brainstem which comes out of the brain to form the spinal cord. If you were to damage the spinal cord towards the top, everything from above will be paralyzed, if you were to damage the spinal cord from below, everything from below would be paralyzed and so on. We also learned about the neurons in the human body which carry and transport electro-chemical messages from the PNS to the CNS.

During this year, I have learned thousands of things in science and I feel confident that I shall not forget them because I know that we are going to be using every bit of this knowledge in high school, college and in our future. I feel that My understanding of science and it's branches have enhanced their abilities to the point where I start to find it amusing that there was once a time that I knew nothing about the neurons or the atoms. The SMYLE Journal have also allowed my curiosity to flourish because I am able to research about the different things in this world and there is a driving force behind me: my grades. I have done very well and I am almost at the end of my goal of enhancing my knowledge of science but I also know that that goal is almost impossible to reach because there is so much to learn. That is the reason I strive to accomplish this goal.

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