Monday, May 2, 2011

Quarter 1

The activity that I will be writing this reflection about is the Chapter 2 Exam, the first test that I took in DEMS since I am a new student. This chapter, Chapter 2, was about the properties of real numbers and it is basically a review of what I had learned in seventh grade as well as sixth grade. When I had taken this exam, I had not felt completely confident in my ability to take the test and I soon found out that I had not gotten too much of a good score. I actually got 76%, a C. This, for me, is a very, very bad score because it is far from perfect.

The purpose of the Chapter 2 Exam was to test our skills that we had learned in the chapter and these skills included the real number line, addition and subtraction of real numbers the distributive propert and much more. Chapter 2 was a very important chapter because it started out the year of Algebra for us by reviewing what we had learned before in Pre-Algebra. Chapter 2 and Chapter 1, in my opinion, were just the basics of Algebra and they mastering them fully is required to move on to the next chapters.

In Chapter 2, I have not learned much but I have renewed my memory and my understanding of a lot of the things that I already learned. Since I came late to the start of the school year because of problems creating my visa and the family's visa, I had forgotten a lot of the basic concepts during the 4 month summer vacation since I had not taken too much of a liberty to actually review what I knew about Algebra and study more about it. For this reason, and the reason that I came in the middle of Chapter 2, I feel that I can do much, much better in the coming chapters. It pains me to know that I already knew all of Chapter 2 before I came here and now what I have to show for it is a C. The chapter contained very basic things such as solving expressions, using the real number line, adding and subtracting matrixes and the basics and all the concepts of which are almost like the pillars of Algebra, and without them, Algebra will be all the more harder and possibly the most hardest subject in the years to come. The fact that I had gotten a C invigorates me to to work even harder and do better than my former best so that I may succeed and get grades such as A+'s or A's.

There are thousands of things that I could have done differently in this chapter but the one thing that I know I must focus on is studying harder and reviewing the things that I have done before. I believe that most of my failure on this test is due to the fact I had not been studying very much during the course of the summer vacation and therefore I had created the perfect recipe to forget all of my studies and everything that I have learned throughout my years of Pre-Algebra, though I know that I had not forgotten them completely; to my relief. After getting this grade, I now have reason to work harder and become much more industrious into my next tests. This I guarantee I will do to the best of my abilities and if they are not what I need, then I will improve the best of my abilities.

This relates to my goal this year in mathematics very much because most of the mistakes that I made on the exam were due to careless mistakes and me not taking the time and liberty to check for them and protect my grade from them. To follow my goal and accomplish it, I must achieve more in the field of checking my work for any mistakes that I might have made and I am sure that it would save countless times.

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