Sunday, February 27, 2011

Quarter 3

The activity that I am going to be doing my quarter 3 reflection on is when we have learned about the database, how to use it and what it is made for. The above pictures show the 3 things that I have created after I have learned about databases. The first one is a report and I will be explaining about what it is below. The second one is the table and the third one is the form.
The purpose of learning about databases, I think, is that, in the future, we might be working in bussinesses and other big companies that keep a record of what they have in stock. Using the database, a company can organize what they own into categories and then they can keep a record of what they sell and what they buy.
I have also learned that this helps companies like malls and other stores to keep track of what they have in stock and what shops are open and closed and at what times. They can use a database such as Access from Microsoft to keep track of what items are out of stock and if they need to refill the stock by ordering or making some more of those items. This will help them to keep track of their profits and losses when they order some more of these items or even gather the materials to actually make some of these items. It also helps most schools to keep track of how many chairs they have, or how many computers and electronic pieces of equipment they have. This will also help them by organizing and keeping a record or a personal file on all of the students that have enrolled in the school and all of the staff that work in the school to provide the students with a better learning experience. This will help in the case of an emergency like a fire where a whole school building is burned down, a database can help the principal when it comes to finding out what has been burned and how many chairs or tables have been lost, they can the calculate their losses and get enough money to pay for those losses so that they can buy some more chairs and tables back.
I could have done many things differently with the database. This is because I think that I could have started to ask the people that I sent the forms to fill out so that I can input information into the database. I had forgotten to send one of the people that were required to fill it out to them so I had to send it to them and I had to wait as they filled it out which made me lose some very valuable class time. I could have used this class time to get a head start on making the database because it was quite long working thing to copy and paste each person's piece of information into the database table. It took a really long time and so I couold have made use of the time that I could have gained had I actually sent it him.
My goal this year in Technology class is to understand better how the computer works and how the science of technology works too. The database really does relate to my goal this year because now I understand how to use a database and what a database is for. This has made me understand how companies and any sort of cooperation can keep a record of what is going on with the staff, students if there are, customers if there are, and even the amount of items they have in stock or the amount of chairs and tables and such that they own.

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