Sunday, May 22, 2011

Quarter 4

The activity that I will be doing this reflection on is called Jing. Jing is a program or software created by a company called TechSmith. Jing enables you to create videos of anything on the screen of your computer and you can then save it as a video file (*.SWF). This video can be used to create tutorials and other types of projects where you can inform the watchers of the video on how to do something. It is a free software that you can download from the website: There is a paid version as well as a free version and the paid version is a "professional" type that has much more features and options to do with the videos that you can make.

The purpose of this activity, in my opinion, was to learn how to use the program and apply it. The purpose was to learn how to create tutorials and how to create videos of what we are doing on the computer monitor without us having to take a physical cam corder and actually video tape it. This will make the video very blurry as the computer screen differs from other types of artificial lights.

I have learned a great many things while learning how to use Jing to create and save a video. Jing is simply a software that you can use to take videos of the screen without having to go through the pain of holding a cam corder and ending up with a very blurry result. In the program, there is an option that lets you choose the area of which you are taking the video in. This means that you are able to take a video of just the small part of the screen, for example: A dialog box. It is very helpful when it comes to creating tutorials about how to use a specific program. website, software, etc. I have already created a video about how to use a anti-virus program called Microsoft Security Essentials. This is a very helpful program as it scans for any viruses on your computer and, if there are any, it detects them so that you can find out all about the virus and what it is. It allows you to choose whether you want to allow this virus to stay in your computer for the time being because the virus is embedded in a very important file or document, or whether you want to terminate and remove it from the computer so that you may not lose any personal information or any trade secrets in the case of a very high class business man. I have used Jing to make this tutorial so that others may understand the use of Microsoft Security Essentials. It can not only capture a video of a certain area on the screen or even the whole screen, but it can also take pictures of a certain are of the screen but that it would be very impractical to download the program just so you can take pictures after microsoft has created the program Snipping Tool which allows you to do just that. Along with creating videos of the screen, you can also record your own voice into the audio of the video if you have a microphone or a built-in mic. in yoiur computer. I think that this is one of the most important features of the program because it not only allows for video playback, but also audio playback which can be etremely useful for creating tutorials.

If I were to be able to change anything in the project that I did when creating the tutorial on how to use Microsoft Security Essentials, I would try to edit the volume of the microphone that I had used to embed my voice in the background of the video. This is because I had felt that I could have made my voice much louder and it would have been much easier for me to document the tutorial.

My goal this year in Tech was to enhance my understanding of computers and other types of technology. This program has not done much to enhance my understanding of computers but it has helped enhance my understanding of different softwares that the computer can have and also what those different softwares can do and how they can be used to their full effectiveness.

Below is my tutorial that I had created for Tech class using the program Jing.

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