Thursday, October 21, 2010

Quarter 1

The activity that I'm going to do this reflection on is the test wiki that we did during this first quarter. A wiki is a webpage that the members--or sometimes not even members--can edit and put things of their own.

The test wiki's purpose was to test our skills when using wikis such as Wikipedia or Wiki Answers. In this test we had to put edit the wiki page and put our name, last name then first name, in alphabetical on the page.

I have learned that wikis are editable by anyone or a person that is a member of the webpage. I have also learnt that I shouldn't trust to many wiki sites and webpages because the people editing the webpage, may not have 100% true information and if you are going to use it, you should back it up with another site.

To do something differently, I could have added color to my name or not make it bold and italic and underlined. I also could have experimented a little with the wiki and tried new stuff instead of sticking to what everyone else was doing and be unique.

My goal this year was to type fast and get at least 60 words per minute with no more than 1 mistake. This test wiki relates to this goal because we had to type very fast so that we could finish editing the webpage in time for others to do the same.

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