Friday, October 29, 2010

Quarter 1

My quarter 1 reflection is going to be on our presentation on a biography of a person. We had to create a speech and present it using a PowerPoint presentation. I had done my presentation on Richard Bong, a flying ace during World War 2.

The purpose of this presentation was to start practicing public speaking and giving presentations. This is the DEMS Leadership class and to be a powerful person when you grow up, you must be able to speak publicly and give good speeches and/or presentations.

I learned that you should be comfortable and very relaxed when standing in front of a crowd. This affects the way you give your speech or presentation because your audience won't be able to 'connect' with you and what you're saying. I've learned that everything should be simple. No one will understand the presentation if the main idea isn't simple and easy to know. The audience wants something that they are going to remember about the speech, for example: Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream speech had a very simple and easy point to make. Even slogans have to be simple and easy. If you're going to be the owner of a company someday and become a business man, you don't want to have a slogan that no one will understand. These are only some of the things that I have learned while presenting my speech and I am sure that I have so much more yet to come.

I could definitely have improved on my speech by controlling my voice and movements. While I was up there, I felt very nervous and my voice was shaking a little, I also should have controlled or timed my speech before I actually went up there, because when I started presenting, I didn't give enough pauses for everything to sink in and rushed a little through the speech. I think that my content in my presentation was good but the actual presenting of the speech was okay. With the things that I could change in mind, on my next presentation, I will apply these things and make the next one better from the things that I have learned while making this presentation.

My goal this year in DEMS Leadership is to become better in presenting and giving speeches in front of an audience. I will achieve this goal by practicing and using the things that I could have changed in my recent speech in my upcoming speeches. Hopefully from the next speeches I will make, I will learn new ways to improve my presentations and apply them in the next presentations I have yet to come in life.

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