Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Quarter 4

As a reader, I have grown a lot since I first came to DEMS. I already loved to read and I read all the time but now, I feel that I can read much more than usual and when I read, I really try to endorse myself into the book.
Vocabulary is a very big part of reading and as you read you enhance your vocabulary so much each time you read; especially books that are of a greater level and difficulty than that of which you are accustomed. In this way, it has also enhanced my writing using the 6+1 traits. One of the traits is word choice and as I read more difficult books, my vocabulary gains a word every chapter or so and now I am able to apply it to my own writing.
Reading also improves my reading comprehension and my ability to "read between the lines" as I have heard countless times before. Instead of reading simply the words and what is happening, I look for the hidden meaning which is the true essence in any book, no matter what genre. There is much to read in between the lines with, especially, classical genres that have. Different meaning than what they seem. I believe that a perfect example of this would be 1984 by George Orwell. 1984 is a book about dictatorship and hardships that are endured during the dire times of a ruling dictator. The book has ceased my thinking with such a grip, that I sometimes unconsciously think about it an how it relates to my country's politics. It relates very much because, unfortunately, my country is a dictatorship too; but that's beside the point. Reading books like 1984 and other deep books truly enhances your reading comprehension.
Along with vocabulary and reading comprehension, reading has also made me flourish in the field of imagination. Every time I read an extremely good book, I feel that I am there in the battle or under the ground. My imagination and I become one and, together, we endorse ourselves into the book so that it becomes just the book, my imagination, and me. Every time I do this, the ability and the extent of my imagination increases more and more. Even to the stage where I am able to write my very own book.
Through vocabulary, reading comprehension and imagination, I have exceedingly grown as a reader. I believe that I will continue to grow so long as I read and I have no doubt that will be no hard task for me because of my love for reading.

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