Sunday, January 9, 2011

Quarter 1

The activity that I will be doing my reflection on is the Renaissance Passport. Although it seems as though it would be more Social Studies than Language Arts, it is very much Language Arts because you had to write a paragraph and in this paragraph you had to take the "voice" of a man or a woman during the Renaissance Era.

The purpose of this activity, in Language Arts, is to enhance our assets in taking the "voice" of another person from a whole different age and era. Since I decided that I would be an astronomer in the Renaissance Era, I had to take the "voice" of an astronomer during that time.

I have learned how to change my voice in my writing and in my works to someone else by changing the vocabulary that I use or the way that I put my sentences and how I structure them. I learned that some people never use words like "stuff" and that sort, plus, most everyone did not use words like that back during the Renaissance.

If I could have changed one thing on my Renaissance Passport, I would have changed the layout and the template of the whole passport. I would have tried to make it more colorful and also make it look like the passport of the country I was supposedly from, which was Italy. I could have also put 1 or 2 illustrations of a planet or something of the sort inside the passport and made a sort of signature.

My goal in Language Arts this year is to enhance my writing assets to make them better. This activity relates to my goal this year very much because it has definitely improved my voice skills when it comes to writing and creating stories and such.

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