Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quarter 1

It feels really good to give and help people in need. Doing the bake sale was not only fun but it was the right thing to do, the people in need really need help and we may have just given them homes, food, shelters, and other things needed to survive. No matter by how much you help them, I feel and believe that you will always get 10 times as much as you have helped and given to the ones in need. Since this flood, 14 million are now homeless and have lost there jobs. Shop owners who have devoted their whole life to their shop and the generations before them have devoted theirs too, are now destroyed because of the flood. I've learned that cooperating with others can help millions and most important to me, myself. I've also learned that we can do anything as a team and help anyone, even if they are half way across the world.

I've learned baking is a chemical reaction and that cotton candy contracts in heat. I also learnt that knowing how to do mental math really fast is a really useful skill and you can use it where ever you are, for example: 10 - 4 = 6 sr.

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